+32 496 02 89 81
Journey in human earth

Communicate with authenticity and remain TRUE!
To communicate in an authentic and conscious way is not simply to align words in a coherent way. It is especially to get to know one another and to accept one another’s weaknesses, to welcome one another without judgment, to put words on one’s feelings and to communicate one’s needs.
But it is also being able to listen to others, without judging or interpreting and accepting their differences and limitations.
This training allows you to explore your ability to relate to yourself and others.
Duration: 3 days

Plan your time to be freer
Managing our time means making strategic and daily choices.
What are your objectives? Your priorities? When should you do it? Who should do it?
This questioning brings us back to our personal and professional attitudes
This training, close to individual coaching, uses simple and effective tools to work directly on your own schedule, and behaviour in front of certain situations.
Duration: 2 days

Life Balance
How to reconcile work and private life?
Work, nurture, go out and have fun, today we want everything!
Combining job with responsabilities and family life is possible!
There is no question of having to choose between your children and the super promotion that you have been waiting for so long, provided you organize yourself, find the golden rules to reconcile professional and personal life.
Duration: 2 days